How to Submit Applications to Become a Sentinel Landscape

Is Your Partnership Ready for the Next Level? Are you working with a diverse set of Federal, state, and local partners to protect areas important to rural economies, wildlife, and national defense? The U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Defense, and the Interior are set to release guidance on the 2017 Sentinel Landscape application process in early December. Join us for a webinar to learn about the requirements, evaluation criteria, and timeline for 2017 designations as well as the benefits that come along with becoming a Sentinel Landscape.

Please join us at 1:00PM ET on December 7, 2016.

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3. Upon entering the program, you will be prompted to join the audio conference.
4. Select "Dial-out [Receive a call from the meeting]" and enter your phone number. You will be called automatically by the system into the audio conference.

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